Product Ingredients test page
After Burn
Aesculus Hippocastanum 6x
Arnica Montana 6X
Belladonna 6X
Crotalus Horridus 8X
Echinacea 6X
Graphites 6X
Heloderma 8X
Lachesis Mutus 8X
Naja Tripudians 12X
Rhus Toxicodendron 8X
Also know as Poison Ivy, the leaves and stalks of the vine shrub are separated and pulverized into a pulp form and blended with alcohol and diluted with water and prevides relief for muscle cramping, joint and post-surgical pain
Ruta Graveolens 6X
Commonly known as rue, or herb-of-grace, Rita Graveolens's oils are extracted and help reduce pain caused by injuries to the knee, shin and elbows
Aesculus hippocastanum 6X
Arnica montana 6X
Belladonna 6X
Calendula Officinalis 4X
Crotalus Horridus 8X
Echinacea 4X
Graphites 6X
Heloderma Horridum 8X
Lachesis Mutus 8X
Naja Tripudians 12X
Phosphorus 9X
Rhus Toxicodendron 8X
Also know as Poison Ivy, the leaves and stalks of the vine shrub are separated and pulverized into a pulp form and blended with alcohol and diluted with water and prevides relief for muscle cramping, joint and post-surgical pain
Ruta Graveolens 6X
Commonly known as rue, or herb-of-grace, Rita Graveolens's oils are extracted and help reduce pain caused by injuries to the knee, shin and elbows
Sulfur 8X
Aesculus Hippocastanum 6X
Arnica montana 6X
Belladonna 6X
Crotalus Horridus 8X
Echinacea 6X
Graphites 6X
Heloderma 8X
Lachesis Mutus 8X
Naja Tripudians 12X
Rhus Toxicodendron 8X
Also know as Poison Ivy, the leaves and stalks of the vine shrub are separated and pulverized into a pulp form and blended with alcohol and diluted with water and prevides relief for muscle cramping, joint and post-surgical pain
Ruta Graveolens 6X
Commonly known as rue, or herb-of-grace, Rita Graveolens's oils are extracted and help reduce pain caused by injuries to the knee, shin and elbows
Aesculus Hippocastanum 6x
Arnica Montana 3x
Bellis Perennis 3x
Bellis Perennis 3x
Bruises to nerves, muscle soreness and sprains
Calendula Officinalis 1x
Capsicum 10X
Crotalus Horridus 8X
Echinacea 6X
Gelsemium 8X
Graphites 6X
Hypericum 6X
Kali Carb 8X
Lachesis Mutus 8X
Magnesium Phos 6X
Naja Tripudians 12X
Rhus Toxicodendron 8X
Also know as Poison Ivy, the leaves and stalks of the vine shrub are separated and pulverized into a pulp form and blended with alcohol and diluted with water and prevides relief for muscle cramping, joint and post-surgical pain
Ruta Graveolens 6X
Commonly known as rue, or herb-of-grace, Rita Graveolens's oils are extracted and help reduce pain caused by injuries to the knee, shin and elbows
Sulfur 8X
Aesculus Hippocastanum 6X
Arnica Montana 6X
Belladonna 6X
Bellis Perennis 6X
Calendula Officinalis 4X
Crotalus Horridus 8X
Echinacea 6X
Graphites 6X
Hypericum Perforatum 6X
Lachesis Mutus 8X
Naja Tripudians 12X
Rhus Toxicodendron 8X
Also know as Poison Ivy, the leaves and stalks of the vine shrub are separated and pulverized into a pulp form and blended with alcohol and diluted with water and prevides relief for muscle cramping, joint and post-surgical pain
Ruta Graveolens 6X
Commonly known as rue, or herb-of-grace, Rita Graveolens's oils are extracted and help reduce pain caused by injuries to the knee, shin and elbows